
Workshop:  “Your Vision Story: The Route To Success In 2025”

Business Coach and Co-Founder of Derbyshire Business Events, Emily Coy from Business Butterflies, presents a superb workshop on the importance of creating your “Vision Story”.

A “Vision Story” is a description of what your ideal business looks like in five years.  Creating your effective Vision Story needs careful thought and the time and space to do it justice. Attending this workshop will give you the time and the environment that encourages deep creative thinking.

The importance of having a clearly articulated vision for your business cannot be overstated. If you don’t where you’re going, you’re not going to get there.  This workshop will help you create a long-term vision which in turn will give you clarity to set annual goals.  Having a “Vision Story” provides you and everyone who works with you direction and inspiration.

This workshop takes place from 9.00am for a prompt 9.30am start until 12 noon on Wednesday 29th January immediately prior to our Executive Networking Lunch at the Peak Edge Hotel.  Why not book both events – the workshop and the Executive Networking Lunch – to make the most efficient use of the day.  Some superb learning following by high-quality networking with key decision makers.

You can also book your place at the Executive Networking Lunch via a separate tab by clicking HERE NOW.

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